Changing Team members or the number of seats

As a Team Admin, you can add or remove your Team members or Team seats at any time through the Team member section. 

Seats Members

To change the members on your Team:

Adding seats:

You can add up to 99 seats to your Team account. If you need to add more, please contact us here

  • Click on your profile photo in the top right corner
  • Click on your Team name to access the Team member section
  • Click the + Add Seats button in the top right corner
  • Select the number of seats you want to add to your team
  • Click “Purchase New Seats” to proceed

You will be charged a prorated amount based on the remaining days left in your billing cycle.

Removing seats:

  • Click on your profile photo in the top right corner
  • Click on your Team name to access the Team member section
  • Find the seat you wish to remove under “Members”
  • Click on the  next to the seat you want to remove 
  • Click “Remove seat”

If you permanently remove a vacant seat from your team, no prorated refunds will be issued.